Total Medals Earned: 124 (From 20 different games.) Total Medal Score: 1,940 Points
Medals Earned: 3/5 (40/190 points)
Get 5 in-game Achievements!
Get 10 in-game Achievements!
Get 25 in-game Achievements!
Get 50 in-game Achievements!
Get all 89 in-game Achievements!
Medals Earned: 5/5 (145/145 points)
Kill 5 Skeletons.
Kill 5 ThickMan.
Kill 5 Crazy Jacks.
Reach 100.000 money.
Defeat the game by killing Larry.
Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/120 points)
baby medal
damn daniel
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 3/9 (20/280 points)
Clear a double line.
Clear a single line.
Complete at least 3 objectives in campaign mode.
Clear a triple line.
Master at least one level in campaign mode.
Clear a quadruple line.
Master at least 3 levels in campaign mode.
Clear a pentuple(or higher) line.
Unlock all levels in campaign mode.
Medals Earned: 1/25 (5/500 points)
nazi zombie scenario
Survive 14 days in a row.
Survive 3 months total
alien scenario
anarchy scenario
planet of the apes scenario
demon scenario
dragon scenario
goat scenario
ice age scenario
nuclear war
magical island master
virus scenario
religion scenario
robot scenario
Zombie Scenario
Survive 1 year total
Survive 28 days in a row.
Survive 3 years total
Survive 50 days in a row.
Survive 100 days in a row.
Get 100,000 points.
Survive 5 years total
Survive 10 years total
Survive 150 days in a row.
Medals Earned: 17/20 (440/500 points)
You have called the first friend
Upgrade Star Boy to level 10
Earn your first million
Complete your first mission
Unlock Stone Age
Earn your first billion
Unlock Ancient Egypt
You have smashed the first car
Earn your first trillion
You have unlocked all friends of Middle Age
You have unlocked all friends of Ancient Egypt
Upgrade Star Boy to level 50
Earn your first quadrillion
Upgrade Star Boy to level 100
Unlock ALL friends!
You have smashed all the cars!
You won: all cars destroyed space-time continuum is safe!
You have unlocked all friends of present age
You have unlocked all friends of Stone Age
Unlock Middle Age
Medals Earned: 8/17 (115/500 points)
Die within 10 seconds
Hit yourself
Go through the walls
Ram head first into a rock
Get the SNEK to 10,000 points
Have SNEK reach max speed
Be one segment long
Keep SNEK alive for 5 minutes
Get the SNEK to 15,000 points
Be 300 Segments Long
Get the SNEK to 25,000 points
Get the SNEK to 50,000 points
Make it to the top of the leaderboards
Run SNEK on any device
Medals Earned: 4/86 (20/430 points)
Rocky planet purchased
Marine planet purchased
Early career Space tycoon
Aquatic planet purchased
Giant planet purchased
Little planet purchased
Callisto planet purchased
Loamy planet purchased
Lunar planet purchased
Phobos planet purchased
Uranian planet purchased
White planet purchased
Mountainous planet purchased
Marsian-like planet purchased
Red-sand planet purchased
Mechanical planet purchased
Set a record in the 10^9 Quids!
Set a record in the 2*10^9 Quids!
Set a record in the 5*10^9 Quids!
Set a record in the 10*10^9 Quids!
Set a record in the 25*10^9 Quids!
Set a record in the 50*10^9 Quids!
Set a record in the 75*10^9 Quids!
Set a record in the 100*10^9 Quids!
Set a record in the 250*10^9 Quids!
Set a record in the 500*10^9 Quids!
Set a record in the 10^15 Quids!
Set a record in the 2*10^15 Quids!
Set a record in the 5*10^15 Quids!
Set a record in the 10*10^15 Quids!
Set a record in the 25*10^15 Quids!
Set a record in the 50*10^15 Quids!
Set a record in the 75*10^15 Quids!
Set a record in the 100*10^15 Quids!
Set a record in the 250*10^15 Quids!
Set a record in the 500*10^15 Quids!
Set a record in the 1,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 2,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 5,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 10,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 25,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 50,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 75,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 100,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 250,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 500,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 1,000,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 2,000,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 5,000,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 10,000,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 25,000,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 50,000,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 75,000,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 100,000,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 250,000,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 500,000,000 Quids!
Set a record in the 10^12 Quids!
Set a record in the 2*10^12 Quids!
Set a record in the 5*10^12 Quids!
Set a record in the 10*10^12 Quids!
Set a record in the 25*10^12 Quids!
Set a record in the 50*10^12 Quids!
Set a record in the 75*10^12 Quids!
Set a record in the 100*10^12 Quids!
Set a record in the 250*10^12 Quids!
Set a record in the 500*10^12 Quids!
Medals Earned: 1/15 (25/620 points)
Increase your chances of winning an award
Find and abuse the familiar mechanic
Receive a positive review from FlashChaz
Receive a positive review from Wayne Marsh
Receive a positive review from Danish Goel
Receive a positive review from Shock-Dingo
Take 25 poos
Develop 75 games with Auto mode disabled
Enter the brain
Get lucky on the one arm bandit
Win 50 awards - the only true recognition of talent
Develop 3 Idle versions of FlashChaz games
Realize a universal truth
Develop 250 games with Auto mode disabled
Churn out 800 games
Medals Earned: 11/13 (85/160 points)
Gain 100 tangerines
Gain 100,000 tangerines
Gain 100 million tangerines
Gain 10,000 tangerines
Gain 10 million tangerines
Gain 1 thousand tangerines
Gain 1 million tangerines
Gain 50 tangerines
Gain 10 billion tangerines
Gain 1 billion tangerines
Gain 100 billion tangerines
Gain 1 trillion tangerines
Gain 100 trillion tangerines